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First Time Anglers - Little ones!


Updated: Apr 14, 2022

Exclusively catering to first time little Anglers!

Fishing is Manitoba's most popular (and growing) outdoor sport.

Breezy Creek Adventures is the only guided service that specifically caters to our Little Ones with the intention of getting them on fish and catching!

The first step is scheduling your trip to be exciting FOR THEM! This means we have to follow their lead. Take them on the boat, get them used to the movement, and govern ourselves to insure THEY have a fun time! That also means trying our utmost to insure they catch fish!

* Please note: Our creek system has very little to no current, depth varies from 2-5' deep with limited areas beyond that depth. The water "looks big" but is actually quite shallow and can be found to be luke warm in the summer season.

Sophie (4) with her first Bullhead!

In our experience (which has been a very effective approach) we'll start slow and get them aiming at catching Bull Head.

Predominantly, Bull Head is a catch and release species of fish so readily abundant in our waters. Add to that, the Bullhead can be a very aggressive biting fish (easier to hook and land) as well as a real good fighter! This increases the odds exponentially of your little one catching their own VERY FIRST FISH!

What we recommend is to schedule the trip for success! We know areas that are heavy with Bullhead. We like to set up there and watch the little ones smile as they land a big one! In fact, we've had little ones even catch a Master Angler (MA) Bullhead on their first fishing trip!

Brook (10) - First fishing trip AND first M.A. Bull Head!

We'll also help you set up your Master Angler account with Conservation so you can register their catch.

Further to that, we'll provide your little one with their own certificate for their first time fishing!

Don't forget the pictures to capture the moment! Feel free to bring your smart phones and take all the pictures you want.

We'll do everything in our power to set you up for some precious memories. We'll be more than happy to take our own photo's of you and yours, giving them to you free of charge!

So let's get them hooked!

Tim Schellenberg

Breezy Creek Adventures


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